Friday, April 22, 2011

On a whim!

Do you believe that we create our own reality?
  You may have read "The Secret" or be a long term devotee of the idea of the self fulfilling prophecy.  Well the other day I was feeling a little lost in my daily routine - you know the one - get up, feed kids, wash clothes, clean house, feed kids, clean house, feed kids, go to bed .... we all have those moments.
  You feel like you are just going through the motions, getting through each day and each moment losing your connection with the "bigger picture".

So on a whim I scrawled a note on my trusty whiteboard
 ( the one that gives me my daily reminders like "milk" or "sport day Thursday")that said:

"I need to see more of the sky!"

Well I have been looking at that note everyday as I go about my business, and guess what? today as I passed by that little reminder I had a secret smile to myself as I realised that I had created my reality this week.
  Everyday I have been outside enjoying the autumn sunshine, at the park, on a picnic, at the park again - "unintentionally" I had given myself what I needed - some grounding, surrounded by mother nature, just enjoying the moment.  And guess what?  I feel much more centred and calm, my house is more organised, I don't have a to-do-list as long as my arm and I have finally found the time to sit down to catch up with my favourite Blogs and to update my own!

My message - give yourself permission to be "in the moment" and the rest will just fall into place.

Have a Happy Easter...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Luna Park Sydney

 As promised, here are a few snap-shots from our trip to Luna Park Sydney.  It is an iconic Sydney fun park, located on the harbour just next to the northern end of the equally iconic harbour bridge.  The big face is the entrance and to get inside, you walk through the mouth.
Luna Park has just celebrated it's 75th birthday.  There is another Luna Park in Melbourne - but I think ours is much prettier!!!

The view from inside Luna Park, looking back towards the bridge.

A Sydney ferry heads to Luna Park from Circular Quay , which is a main port right next to the Sydney Opera House (in the back ground)

My Boys and I.

Mark & I

Ooops .....

Awesome fun !!!!!  Sydney put on some beautiful weather for us and it is always a beautiful day by the harbour.

Kelli xx

Thursday, January 13, 2011

True Aussie Mates!

As you may or may not know, we are having some pretty devastating floods in Australia at the moment.  Someone on facebook had taken this photo of two natural enemies helping each other out in their time of need (see the link above to the cause).  I thought that this was pretty amazing and that it epitomises the true Aussie spirit of "helping a mate in need".  Please join me in sending Prayers for those who have lost their lives, loved ones and homes.

PS: Please check out the button I have added above for the Queensland flood appeal auction, to support the victims of the floods.