Friday, November 5, 2010


    A while ago we planted a little plot of veggies on our back garden, we have snow peas, tomatoes, baby spinach, spring onions and baby capsicum (peppers) as well as a few pots of herbs, strawberries and jalapenos.  After lots of rain and lots of fertiliser ~ we are now eating these:

Unfortunately, not many have made it to the table ~ because the boys keep eating them from the vine!!!

Just loving the fresh produce ... can't wait for the cucumbers and the strawberries!

Happy Friday!!!


  1. Wow, those are a good size snow peas! Are your boys usually veggie eaters? That's wonderful they ate them up before hitting the table.

  2. Gorgeous snow peas! I love having a garden. Ours was really taking off last spring until grasshoppers invaded! I had no idea they were a garden pest, but they ate away all the leaves. Especially the pole bean vines. So sad.

  3. Oh Kim, so frustrating when your veggies get eaten by uninvited guests! And Yanet, my boys are pretty good veggie eaters ~ don't know how they eat them raw though {I think they taste like dirt} ... but who am I to complain!!!

  4. My stepdad has a big vegie garden in our backyard, I love it!
    We've got strawberries too...have tried many times to grow them but they always get eaten by someone or something...years ago it was my dog Joe, more recently my dog Buster, and just last week a lizard climbed up onto the table and into the pot and was eating them! sneaky buggers.

  5. Now I wouldn't complain about them eating them as they're picked :)
