Thursday, August 12, 2010

Everyday Items - You Capture

This is my breakfast! (hard boiled egg in a cup)

This is how I spend the better part of each day ...keeping company with my clothes pegs!

And...this is what keeps me going each day ... coffee, tea and sugar... they live right next to my kettle!

Head on over to Beth's Blog to see some more captures from this week's challenge


Thanks for stopping by

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Finally !!! my dolly....

A few weeks ago I posted a tutorial where I made a piece of wool felt, with the plan to make a beautiful doll as a present for a dear friend who is expecting her first baby girl {after three lovely boys!}.  Anyway, I FINALLY got around to doing it and here is the result.  The auburn hair is of course the piece of felt from my tutorial, and I was really happy with the results.

{you will notice in the background my vintage sewing machine ... this was a hand-me-down from my older sister, she gave it to me when I was about 8 and I learnt to sew on it and have been sewing on it ever since.  It hasn't missed a beat and I wouldn't part with it for the world! - even if I was offered one of those fancy computerised gizmos.  In fact I think its one of my most treasured possessions!}

The idea and pattern for this dolly was inspired by a tutorial posted on 60 Piggies blog, go here to have a look at the beautiful softie created by Nicole.

So, hopefully the dolly will one day become a treasured possession for a little girl, yet to be born ..... now, to name her..... any ideas????

You Capture - summer

Summer!!! Down here in the southern hemisphere it is still WINTER...brrrr,  this is my contribution to the You Capture photo challenge over at Beth's blog.  I was resigned to the fact that I would have to miss this weeks challenge and then I made this salad for dinner and the amazing colours reminded me of carefree summer barbeques and sunshine, and I just had to capture it!
So when you are finished with the sunshine in the north ..... please send it our way!

Head over to Beth's blog for more beautiful images.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Weekend...

I dream of weekend escapes to far-away places, of beaches and above all S-I-L-E-N-C-E {nb:read child-free weekend}.  That is not how this weekend played out! Instead I decluttered the mess that masquerades as a child's bedroom, washed-folded-ironed about ten loads of laundry and refereed a gazillion brother-love squabbles. It is at times like this I like to remind myself that the time is fleeting and that I should treasure each moment {whatever that may be} .... this is the little piece of Zen that I have attached to my fridge door this week:
"This too shall pass"
This I have found helps me to keep perspective when I am counting to ten under my breath for the 50th time....1,2,3,4.........
Hope you enjoyed your weekend!