Thursday, July 29, 2010

Play - You Capture Photography

Well, the laundry basket is overflowing, the fridge still needs cleaning out and there is a growing pile of unopened mail (that will still be there tomorrow!) ........but I did get my camera out quite a few times this week, which was my aim after all!  The theme of this weeks challenge was play, easy you say - especially when there are a load of little "players" in the house, the trouble was taking a special photo.

So, the lovely subjects of this study .... they all have a different idea of what it is to PLAY, one likes imaginary play, one likes exploration and one is up for anything!!! As chance has it .... they all like being outdoors, as is the nature of boys.   So following is a little sample of our playtime this week.

Social butterfly...with a new friend at the park.

Fishing Boy

Thanks for stopping by, please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.  Have a look at the other You Capture photos over at Beth's.


  1. lovely pictures. . .it looks like you captured each of their personalites with the the photos. . .

    Love them!

  2. great fishing photo! How can you not love a little cutie smiling big for the camera? :)

  3. Love the photos. The sunset in the fishing photo is amazing!

  4. Love the sunset! and the cute close up of your little guy :). They are all beautiful.
