Monday, October 11, 2010


Wordle: values

After my post last week for that lovely etsy find, I stumbled across this great place where you can create and print this cute word-art.  I had a little play with it and came up with this ... not quite as fabulous as the previous one, but I'm sure with a little experimenting and perhaps a nice recycled frame this could be just as effective! {p.s - the quality of the above image is poor, but I think that was because I enlarged it}. 
There are heaps of samples of other peoples ideas and creations to view, I saw one where the person had put a child's name in large font in the centre and then lots of cute words to describe him around it - great idea to decorate a child's room.  Anyway, head over and have a look, it's a little bit of fun!

Wordle: jack
P.s. I had to go back and fiddle again and came up with this...ta da!


  1. Looks good Kelli. We're obviously tuned in to the same wavelength right now.....
    I recently ordered a new screen to be made with my ecoinspired 'wordle' design. It's due back this week and I can't wait to see it.

  2. love the one with your son's name. . .how cool!

    May have to use that one!

  3. hey Kaz, can't wait to see your design (do you mean screen-printed?) - you will have to post it to your blog (bit of a freaky coincidence!!!).
    Thanks Gabe, I really love that one too ... my printer is out of ink atm...and I'm soooo impatient, wordle is actually a lot of fun!

  4. What a great find! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog!
