Friday, October 8, 2010

You Capture - Faces

I Haven't joined the You Capture for a few weeks, but when I saw that this weeks assignment was "faces", I had to join in. This is my Jack, he is my kind & gentle boy.  I think these photo's really reflect his personality - and he is relaxed in front of the camera {comes from years of torture from the snap-happy mother!} which helps!

The big brown eyes just kill me! {always have, always will...}

A little out of focus I know!!! But still SO cute.

Thanks for looking, head over to Beth's to see some more inspiring photography. I love your comments, please let me know that you came by!



  1. That last one is priceless!

    How are you surviving without your bigger boys?

  2. they're all back now, thanks for asking. And it's back to normal crazy!

  3. Great captures - it looks like he actually has FUN in front of a camera! :-)

  4. He's SO handsome, Kelli! I love all these shots, especially the last one.

  5. Just dropped by to thank you for following my blog and leaving your kind thoughts! these photos are absolutely beautiful :)
