Welcome .... this is the first time I have met you for coffee, thanks for coming.
If we were really meeting for coffee today we probably would have to meet "out"
because my lovely~shift~working~hubby is sleeping. So I might have asked
you to meet me at the new Cafe just near my place "the Chocolate room",
Mmm Mmm ~ they sell yummy handmade chocolates and the best coffee
(skim Latte for me please).
I would have to tell you that my big boy is two nights into a five night camp and
although I didn't think I would miss him {too much} ~ I do!
In this time when we are used to instant communication,
I feel a little lost because I can't call him and ask how he is,
are you ok? are you sleeping? are you homesick? .....
I do have to confess though,
that I did send him a message on facebook {OOPS],
in the hope that one of his friends did smuggle a phone to camp {contraband}.
Although, the activities look like too much fun,
and I'm pretty sure he is not missing us at all!
He is at his happiest outdoors.
I would tell you that the boys started Softball last week
{ although last season they played Baseball }
and they have a little bit of adjusting to do,
learning new rules and different methods.
Their first games were last Saturday, when we had unseasonal wind {for spring!}
and it snowed two hours south of us ...
it was freezing and the ball kept blowing off the tee for the tee-ballers!
I might tell you that I need to go home to do housework ... what a mess
and that I have a mountain of ironing waiting for me,
that will still be there tomorrow!
{there is NO magic fairy my friends!}
So it probably was a good idea for us to meet out this week.
So if we were really meeting for coffee today,
my little guy is probably getting a little restless by now
and I will need to head off.
{via the grocery store ~ because we are out of stuff again!}
Thanks for meeting me today, I'll look forward to our next coffee.
p.s: Head over to Amy's to join in. xx