Saturday, October 16, 2010

On the fridge

Does your fridge gather JUNK? Mine does!
Sometimes I fear that it will topple right over with all of the stuff that collects on the doors.  As you can see from the little sample here .... {this is only half of it! ~ truly} Mine has a serious clutter issue ~ which directly reflects how busy our week is.
School notes, awards, reminder messages scrawled onto the magnetic whiteboard, the calendar, little artworks {self-hung at 5 year old height}, the weeks dinner menu....... etc etc.
Sometimes the notes become three deep, and the poor magnets can't cope ~ which results in the whole pile sliding down the door every time the door is opened or flying across the room if a breeze blows through!  Some days I wish for a bare fridge, one without notes and reminders, without little grimy hand prints or thousands of magnets ~ but then I remember that time is fleeting and one day  I will miss the clutter.

Enjoy the moment!!!


  1. You need to get a stainless steel fridge. Magnets don't work on those. I was so disappointed when I figured this out. My fridge is so bare and sad.

  2. I want to come to your house for dinner...the menu sounds yum!
