Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Virtual Coffee...{ thanks for coming! }

Welcome .... this is the first time I have met you for coffee, thanks for coming.

If we were really meeting for coffee today we probably would have to meet "out"
because my lovely~shift~working~hubby is sleeping.  So I might have asked
you to meet me at the new Cafe just near my place "the Chocolate room",
Mmm Mmm ~ they sell yummy handmade chocolates and the best coffee
(skim Latte for me please).

I would have to tell you that my big boy is two nights into a five night camp and
although I didn't think I would miss him {too much} ~ I do!
In this time when we are used to instant communication,
 I feel a little lost because I can't call him and ask how he is,
are you ok? are you sleeping? are you homesick? .....
I do have to confess though,
 that I did send him a message on facebook {OOPS],
 in the hope that one of his friends did smuggle a phone to camp {contraband}.
 Although, the activities look like too much fun,
and I'm pretty sure he is not missing us at all!
 He is at his happiest outdoors.

I would tell you that the boys started Softball last week
 { although last season they played Baseball }
 and they have a little bit of adjusting to do,
 learning new rules and different methods.
Their first games were last Saturday, when we had unseasonal wind {for spring!}
 and it snowed two hours south of us ...
 it was freezing and the ball kept blowing off the tee for the tee-ballers!

I might tell you that I need to go home to do housework ... what a mess
and that I have a mountain of ironing waiting for me,
that will still be there tomorrow!
{there is NO magic fairy my friends!}
So it probably was a good idea for us to meet out this week.

So if we were really meeting for coffee today,
 my little guy is probably getting a little restless by now
and I will need to head off.
{via the grocery store ~ because we are out of stuff again!}

Thanks for meeting me today, I'll look forward to our next coffee.

p.s: Head over to Amy's to join in. xx
join me for coffee!


  1. I love these virtual coffee posts. . .Amy is so clever to come up with this idea!

    I so enjoyed meeting you and envy you that it the end of your winter and mine is just around the corner!

    I hope camp went well. My boys always love it and don't miss me while they are gone, but once they get home they seem to be really glad they are home!

    Thanks for the latte!

  2. The Chocolate Room sounds amazing!! One of my favorite things in life is little coffee shops/cafes etc. that are you unique, nice to meet a friend in, and serves a nice sweet treat and coffee :)

  3. Oh, I would totally meet you at the chocolate room for coffee, that sounds wonderful and looks very cool. thanks for coffee, so glad you joined in this week!

  4. So glad to meet with you for coffee today! That chocolate room looks and sounds fabulous!! I am not looking forward to the day when my babies spend nights and nights away from me. HOpe they fly by for you :).

  5. Five nights away at camp seems awfully long. I would jump at the chance of meeting at the Chocolate Room - but then again, who wouldn't?

  6. I'll go anywhere where there's chocolate! Nice having coffee with you.
